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Why buy an electric scooter?


There are so many good reasons to purchase an electric scooter, it seems almost inevitable that most households will own at least one in the not-too-distant future. But in case you’re not convinced we’ll outline good reasons to get one below. And just for balance, we’ll try to address some reasons you may still have reservations!

It saves you money when used instead of a car or taxi

There are so many scenarios where an electric scooter is a better option than a car or taxi (and when you prefer not to cycle). Short trips to shops, commute to work, to the train station etc. I live just over a mile from a mainline train station which I only use a couple of times a month, but I would often use a taxi. Now I use an electric scooter and this alone saved £150 last year. Combine this with all the times it has been substituted for a car for local trips and it has saved me more than double this. Regular commuting on an electric scooter instead of a car or bus could pay for itself in a matter of months!

Avoids arriving tired and sweaty

An electric scooter is not meant to be a bike replacement. But there are many circumstances where you simply can’t or don’t want to cycle. To avoid arriving tired and sweaty at work, at the shops or even a pub is one example. There are also journeys that may just seem too far for a bike, but an electric scooter can still help you avoid traffic, often cutting journey times down.

They’re are small and light so you can take them.. almost anywhere!

The compact size and light weight of most electric scooters mean they are portable enough to open up possibilities that you may not have even considered. Here are just some of them.

  • Easily put into the boot of the car, take on the bus on the train, even take on the planes

  • There are plenty of ways to secure your electric scooter if you do need to lock it up – but they are easily small enough to store in your house, flat or office without taking up much space

  • Avoid faffing with bike sheds and locks and keeping them indoors means you can take one step out the front door and jump straight onto your scooter

  • Arrive home or at the office and go straight to the door – this extra convenience is really noticeable if you are used to having to lock a bike up before going indoors

  • Take the scooter into shops or cafes – I’ve even seen electric scooters taken into the cinema!

Electric scooters help you avoid traffic!

In cities, just as with the bike, you get to dive past traffic jams and can often take shortcuts. The satisfaction of zooming past slow-moving traffic is hard to quantify and you will arrive at home or at your destination feeling much more energized!

***Inspired from Thatscooter


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